testimonials continued (2)

"I felt immediately upon entering your space that I was in good hands. You truly created a sacred space in which I felt relaxation and trust. I have worked with ritual extensively and know that when a ritual is done "right" it can be a powerful vehicle for intention. I felt that you performed your ritual with great certainty and allowed the intent to move freely without personally getting in the way of the flow of spirit. Because of that I felt that what I needed spiritually, I received with great clarity. I am still integrating my experience and it meets, like beads on a strand of deep purpose, previous shamanic experiences I've received."


"I just had my second healing session with Sandra and I always feel amazing. I feel more connected with my inner self, more at peace with things going on around me and things to come. I feel one with the earth and all its creatures which is the way I like it!

"We sit and talk first about things I have going on and figure out together what it is I think I need at the time...emotionally and physically. She is so authentic, it feels like talking to an old friend. Very comforting.

"So many different things happen during the session...getting rid of all the "sludge" that I don't need…getting my energy flowing smoothly again. I could go on and on but I think you need to experience it for yourself.

"It makes me feel so good to know that I am doing something great for my mind and body. I feel like I can conquer the world after the session. I drive nine hours to see her and stay a couple of extra days to relax. Already I am planning my next visit, I call it my "new perspective" trip. Everyone needs a new perspective now and then! Thank you Sandra!"


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